compiling vtk 9.3.0 on cmake/vs: build error encountered

I am a very occasional developer. I develop in java as a hobby. I have been battling to upgrade to vtk 9.3.0. msvs 22 throws up error below. I have not been able to find the missing code or the cmake/vs setting to fix it. Please help. Thanks very much.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Details
** Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _vtkCompositePolyDataMapper_Typecast referenced in function _vtkCompositeSurfaceLICMapper_Typecast vtkRenderingLICOpenGL2Java C:\vtk\vtkBinaries_9.3.0\Wrapping\Java\vtkCompositeSurfaceLICMapperJava.obj** 1