Could not Find HoloplayCore External Dependencies

Dear all,

I want to know how to solve this?
I am building basic VTK-9.1.0 and it is working.

Now I want to build again with more options, in ccmake I am enabling several VTK Modules:
RenderingOpenVR PowerCrust PoissonReconstruction SplineDrivenImageSlicer

But it returns error (image shown below). I see this github that might be related:

I just don’t know whether to put clone the github above or install HoloPlayCore somewhere else and where to put it.

Thank You all

Hi @Freya_the_Goddess ,

You are enabling the LookingGlass remote module. Is that intentionnal ?

In any case, to disable it, set VTK_MODULE_ENABLE_VTK_RenderingLookingGlass to NO in cmake.


Yes because I want to make example with that module.

How to make it work?

Do you have a looking glass device ?

No, so I couldn’t try the module without the device?
Didn’t know that.

You can build VTK with holoplaycore if you install holoplaycore, but without a device, there is nothing to do.