Creating a custom interactor style by overwriting the rotate function


We are currently stuck on an issue related to mouse movements, and despite extensive searches on the forums, we have not yet come across a similar question.

When I right-click the mouse, I want the camera to rotate only around the X and Z axes. For instance, if there is a plane actor in front of me, I want it to always stay perpendicular to the camera.

I am using the VTK Python wrapper version 9.3.0. Please ask for additional details if the question is not clear.

I guess you should create custom interactor style and overwrite some mouse events.

Exactly what I want is that the right click always makes the camera rotate so that the platform is always above.

Thanks, I’ve already done that by adding a custom interactor style to overwrite it. In this way, I can overwrite the mouse buttons, but I can’t overwrite the ‘Rotate’ function.

I think I need to disable the camera’s elevation. Actually, what I’m trying to do is to cancel the ‘Y’ axis in the Rotate function and make the rotate function work only on X and Z axes.