Hello everyone,
I’m new to VTK and making my way trough it.
I’m working on a ray-casting project, where I’m supposed to run an algorithm that finds the point of intersection of rays with terrain.
My code works like this
- It generates the points on a uniformly spaced grid
- It creates a triangular mesh out of the points
- It builds an OBBTree and find the intersections
The problem arises when I build the mesh, using the vtkTriangleStrip primitive. I wanted to add different TriangleStrips (one for each row of the mesh) to the same vtkCellArray, but I get a random crash on the second cycle (for sure I’m using the memory in an unexpected way). A few strips are added (the number varies according to the run) and then the program crashes.
Do you see anything strange in this code?
vtkNew<vtkPoints> l_vMeshPoints;
vtkNew<vtkCellArray> l_vMeshTriangles;
/* Generate the sample points */
l_iN = l_dGridWidth / l_dGridSpacing_m + 1;
for (int l_iRow = 0; l_iRow < l_iN; l_iRow ++)
for (int l_iCol = 0; l_iCol < l_iN; l_iCol ++)
l_dX = -l_dGridWidth* 0.5 + l_iCol * l_dGridSpacing_m;
l_dY = -l_dGridWidth* 0.5 + l_iRow * l_dGridSpacing_m;
l_dZ = 50;
l_vMeshPoints->InsertNextPoint(l_dX, l_dY, l_dZ);
for (int l_iRow = 0; l_iRow < l_iN - 1; l_iRow ++)
/* Create a new triangle strip */
vtkNew<vtkTriangleStrip> l_vTriangleStrip;
/* Set the number of expected Ids */
l_vTriangleStrip->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(2 + 2 * (l_iN - 1));
/* Configure the ids of the points to be assigned to this strip */
int l_iOffset = l_iRow * l_iN;
for (int l_iCol = 0; l_iCol < l_iN ; l_iCol ++)
l_vTriangleStrip->GetPointIds()->SetId(l_iOffset + l_iCol, l_iOffset + l_iCol);
l_vTriangleStrip->GetPointIds()->SetId(l_iOffset + l_iCol + l_iN, l_iOffset + l_iCol + l_iN);
/* Store this stip in the overall cell-array structure */