
I’m newer to vtk, when i use SetVertexShaderCode of vtkShaderProperty, the model will disappear.But if i remove SetVertexShaderCode and only use SetFragmentShaderCode, it can work.Following is my VertexShader code

const char* vertexShaderCode = R"(
#version 330 core

in vec3 normalMC;
in vec3 vertexVC;
in mat4 MCVCMatrix;

out vec3 myNormalMCVSOutput;
out vec3 camPosition;

void main() {
    myNormalMCVSOutput = normalMC;
    camPosition = -vec3(MCVCMatrix[3].x, MCVCMatrix[3].y, MCVCMatrix[3].z) * mat3(MCVCMatrix);
	gl_Position = MCVCMatrix * vec4(vertexVC, 1.0);

Multiply with MCDCMatrix instead of MCVCMatrix

Thanks for your reply, i try it and it could work.