Deprecated vtkUnstructuredGrid::SetCells

One of our existing apps uses a deprecated form of vtkUnstructuredGrid::SetCells. Here it is in an older Doxygen:

void vtkUnstructuredGrid::SetCells	(
  vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellTypes, 
  vtkIdTypeArray *cellLocations,
  vtkCellArray *cells 

How do I replace it using the latest version of VTK? Can I use this form and omit cellLocations?

void vtkUnstructuredGrid::SetCells	(
  vtkUnsignedCharArray *cellTypes,  
  vtkCellArray *cells 

Can I use this form and omit cellLocations ?

Yes. The information that was in cellLocations is now directly embedded in the vtkCellArray, so it no longer needs to be specified here.

Great, thank you!