Does VTK support VR?

Does VTK support VR?


Some blog posts on the topic:

If you really want to learn how to use VR with VTK, Kitware Europe is offering a live training on VTK for augmented and virtual reality (XR) Training next week on March 19.

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any solution to Render in Server(better without SteamVR) then send the left/right eye framebuffer as image(need compress here?) through internet to Client(better in Browser) in VR headset? - VR/AR - VTK

thanks! is there any successful project to Stream to XR device by VTK through no-local network? How is its latency?

I gave a presentation at GTC a couple years ago demonstrating some CloudXR with SlicerVR (VTK-based) experiments. Video was streamed from an AWS GPU VM to a local headset.
Performance and latency were surprisingly good. More details in the video linked here: GTC Keynote MONAI and Slicer - #3 by pieper - Announcements - 3D Slicer Community


thank you very much!
how about the resolution?
and how about if it was an interactive APP?

Watch the video for more details and to see it in action.

Basically the resolution adjusts dynamically according to network bandwidth, but generally was quite good and there was little or no noticeable lag.

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re: OpenXR

Earlier this year, we also added support for OpenXR and OpenXRRemoting to the SlicerVirtualReality extension.

This was made possible by leveraging VTK capabilities.

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