Get Oblique Slices from Vtkreliceimageviewer

I just want to setup a curve in vtkresliceimageviewer (axial view- drawing tooth curve) and able to setup to extract multi oblique slices(single / multi slices) using any methods and slice extraction is been limited to the curve. Because of my lack of my knowledge, I don’t know how can I manage this…


As a beginner, I don’t know to setup this and able to extract the oblique slice from the data. I tried to use planewidget, but it fails because of my inexperience and tangential line which is perpendicular to the curve and its should be able to rotate by click over that line and spin the respective result should be visible and for about cross sections the positions of the cross sections can be updated simply clicking the left mouse button…

If my ideas don’t works, please give me an idea to extract the slices by drawing an line over vtkreslicesimageviewer(axial- current code is been using from fourpaneviewer)

You can implement a transform that maps between the physical 3D space and the straightened space and use vtkImageReslice to get one or many slices. See more information in this topic: