As I’ve previously in other topic mentioned, I have a vtkResliceCursor, which uses vtkImageData and vtkAlgorithmOutput. Both were provided by vtkDICOMImageReader but it had few flaws. So I’ve decided to generate a 3d numpy array from DICOM images and pass it to vtk.
After generating numpy array (and filling it) with datasets
slice_thickness = datasets[0].SliceThickness
pixels_spacing_0, pixels_spacing_1 = datasets[0].PixelSpacing
ratio = (slice_thinkness/((pixels_spacing_0 + pixels_spacing_1)/2))
numpy_array = np.zeros((
int(len(datasets) * ratio),
I am stumbling on generating vtkImageData with numpy_to_vtk function, because all info on different sites seems kinda different from each other (like reshape numpy array or don’t and etc, flatten or ravel).
I tried to follow one of these examples, but it works not as expected and maybe its because its now missing vtkAlgorigthmOutput which few classes requires
shape = numpy_array.shape
if len(shape) < 2:
raise Exception('numpy array must have dimensionality of at least 2')
h, w = shape[0], shape[1]
c = 1
if len(shape) == 3:
c = shape[2]
# Reshape 2D image to 1D array suitable for conversion to a
# vtkArray with numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk()
linear_array = np.reshape(numpy_array, (w*h, c))
vtk_array = numpy_to_vtk(linear_array)
self.image = vtkImageData()
self.image.SetDimensions(w, h, 1)
So basically how to get vtkAlgorithmOutput so I can set classes with SetInputConnection(self.algorithm.GetOutputPort())?