How to generate clipped plane area?

Please help, I have generated the clipped plane of ear canal but which VTK function should I use to generate the clipped plane area?

Many thanks in advance.

For dense meshes like this you can use vtkClipPolyData, but depending on your mesh (and if VTK was built with TBB SMP backend), vtkPolyDataPlaneClipper and vtkClipClosedSurface may be faster and/or more accurate.

Andras,Many thanks.

Please let me ask more quesions, if I stuck again.

Dear Andras,

Please let me ask which VTK functions should I use to generate 2D contour data of the clipped plane area?

Many thanks in advance.

You can get boundary edges of the clipped polydata using vtkFeatureEdges that you can sort into polygons using vtkStripper. This is not very robust, though (vtkStripper requires you to tell the maximum strip length in advance; there may be several boundary edges in your polydata, etc.). So, it is probably better to use a clipping filter that can give you the clipped plane or use a separate cut filter to get the clipped boundaries.

Dear Andras,

Very appreciate for your generous helps.