I’m using vtk9.3 from pcl1.14.1, the default rendering shape of point is sphere.
My question is how to render them as square (which always face to user).
Thanks a lot!
I’m using vtk9.3 from pcl1.14.1, the default rendering shape of point is sphere.
My question is how to render them as square (which always face to user).
Thanks a lot!
Hello @tomdong
In VTK, the default shape of points is a square. Could you check if PCL is enabling this setting on the actor’s property (actor->GetProperty()->SetRenderPointsAsSpheres(true)
Thanks Jaswant!
I have noticed that this might be caused by calling ‘SetRenderPointsAsSpheres(true)’, however, when I search in PCL code on github, the result is empty
Then PCL may be using vtkSphereSource
and glyph filter. Any case, this is a PCL question. Please ask in that community.
OK, thanks for your help