installation of vtk 9.0 with python, java wrappers

Hi Sohrab,

VTK can often be tricky to build, especially with Python and Java wrappers, but it can definitely be done. It’s even done as part of the automated nightly testing.

However, there are some considerations:

  1. If you want to build the wrappers, set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to ON. Otherwise, the wrappers will not work as you expect. Trying to build the wrappers with static libraries is just a waste of time unless you really need static libraries.

  2. For VTK 9.0, building the Java wrappers inside Visual Studio will not work. Right now, the only way to build Java wrapping on Windows is from the “VS Developer Command Prompt” with the Ninja generator. This will probably be fixed for VTK 9.1.

VTK 9.0 also has issues with embedding the VTK render window within a Java GUI, this should also be fixed in 9.1.

In summary, I think your best option right now is to only use Python wrapping (and definitely check BUILD_SHARED_LIBS). For Java, wait for VTK 9.1.

@ben.boeckel I can check the attributes and specifiers for the generated Java methods. But it’s probably worth repeating that I’m really no expert on the Java wrapping, and I’m not even a Java programmer.