int the vtk9.3.0 ,how can i export video?

int the vtk9.3.0 , I can not find vtkAVIWriter, how can I export a video using vtk?

The vtkAviWriter is available up until the latest version 9.4.0 (check IO/Movie folder). It’s only built if VTK_USE_VIDEO_FOR_WINDOWS flag is enabled however, maybe that is disabled in your VTK build?

If you’re looking for alternatives to .avi, check the subclasses listed in vtkAVIWriter’s base class vtkGenericMovieWriter - we have successfully experimented with the vtkOggTheoraWriter for example.

Thank you very much for your reply, but I couldn’t find it.

Click the “Advanced” checkbox and you should be able to see it.

thank you