Is it possible to draw a roi(rectangle) on the vtkImageViewer2?

Hi all.

I have a question about the vtkImageViewer2.

I would like to draw an ROI box and move/drag it.

For example:
I made it using GDI++.

Does VTK provide this function on the vtkImageViewer2?

I have tested some sample codes but I couldn’t find a solution.

Could you please advise for me?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello All, was there any development on this feature? I am using a rectangle widget in vtk.js to function as ROI and want to develop features as shown in the examples(especially the click, grab and place). If i can get some guidance on the right direction, that would be mighty helpful.

Thanks and Regards,
PS: i have no experience with vtk in C++ so i am trying every resources to learn and apply vtk.js .

Yes, feel free to look at the following 2 examples: