JavaVTK Android Black Screen

I run this example project in Android Studio, and at the beginning, the scene did not render and it was a black screen until foo ->Interactor ->HandleMotionEvent (action, eventPointer, numPtrs, xPtr, yPtr, idPtr, metaState) was triggered; The scene was only rendered, What happened behind this? What do I need to do to make it render properly

I have relevant videos here to demonstrate this bug

To add, when starting the JavaVTK example, I received an error here:

open /system_ext/lib64/ failed! dlopen - dlopen failed: library “/system_ext/lib64/” needed or dlopened by “/system/lib/” is not accessible for the namespace “(default)”

VTK compilation Module:
System : Ubuntu20.04 (you can use the [VMware Workstation Pro])
CMake : 3.27.6-linux-x86_64 (use ninja generator compiler)
NDK : r21e
ABI : armeabi-v7a

VTK integration Module:
IDE:Android Studio : 2022.3.1 Patch 2
JDK : 17
NDK : r21e
Gradle Plugin : 8.1.2
Gradle : 8.0