MPR Viewer in Qt/VTK: Reslices not displaying in Coronal, and Sagittal views

I’m a beginner in developing Qt/VTK applications and I’m working on creating a multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) viewer.

I successfully load the DICOM data path using appropriate methods. The volume rendering process executes correctly within ClassThreeD. I’m attempting to distribute the resliced data obtained from the plane widgets to the Axial, Coronal, Sagittal using the SetInputData method on vtkResliceImageViewer instances. And I setup a GetResliceCursorWidget of Axial is been shared to Coronal and sagittal viewers based on the concept of fourPaneViewer. Even I tried for independent GetResliceCursorWidget for Coronal and sagittal to atleast get the reslice in the vtkresliceimageviewer. Despite the objects being non-null, the resliced images are not being displayed in the coronal, and sagittal viewers and their reslices are not been showing while moving their respective planewidgets.

Along with that when I tried to move the cross hairs of the axial view(coronal or sagittal also) ,the respective planewidgets(axial,coronal and sagittal) are been going to the top of the 3D rendered viewer


I’m currently using vtk-8.2 for this project. I made axial,coronal,sagittal,3D, mainpage(for getting providing data and setting callbacks) classes are been made for this project

Thank you for your reply. But I have to complete this project instead of using the 3D slicer to show the reslices and the 3D rendered result as independent rather than using an external application.

I confirm you should share the same ResliceCursorWidget instance in all views. Then when working in Oblique mode with vtkResliceImageViewer, you must also set the reslice plane normal in addition to the slice orientation for each view:

  cursorRep = vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation.SafeDownCast(resliceImageViewer[i].GetResliceCursorWidget().GetRepresentation())
  cursorRep .GetResliceCursorActor().GetCursorAlgorithm().SetReslicePlaneNormal(i)

Please note that this is extensively covered in the VTK for Medical Imaging training if you are interested.

Thank Lucas , for your immerse support. It actually works :blush: