Need Support to display smooth Surface with Interactive Cutting through Model

Hello together,

I wrote a small viewing application with vtk and now want to have a smooth display for curved surfaces of my dataset (UnstructuredGrid) which was loaded from a stl-file.
I also want to be able to cut the model therefore i use vtkPlaneCutter to create the cutlines and vtkClipClosedSurface for the cutsurface.

Both works as I wanted but the normal extraction for the interactivly created cutsurface is to slow to work with it good (in an interactive way, by mouse move event).
I discovered vtkTriangleMeshPointNormals which is way faster but with just exchanging the filter
I get some strange view on the dataset.

Is there a step I missed out in order to display the dataset the same way as it was possible with vtkPolyDataNormals but using the faster vtkTriangleMeshPointNormals.

Is there a different way to achieve my goal?

Here is the code I used for the normals just exchanged the filter:

Looking forward to your response.
Thank You

Hello @Tom_Schulcz

I discovered vtkTriangleMeshPointNormals which is way faster but with just exchanging the filter
I get some strange view on the dataset.

Are you certain the output of vtkClipClosedSurface contains only triangles?

Could you please share dataset?

Hello Jaswant,
thank you for your reply. Yes they only contained triangles, but the dataset was indeed the cause. After your answer I tested with several other datasets from the standford site and all other datasets worked so that was the problem thank you for the hint.