partially reading vtkMultiBlockDataSet

Hi all,

I am working on an application where I have to read many (potentially large) vtkMultiBlockDataSet, but only use parts of the data stored in those data sets. Thus, I am looking for a way to only selectively load data in order to minimize disk IO. I could of course parse the .vtm manually to get the paths to the blocks I need, but this is quite cumbersome and hard to maintain. I wonder if there is a way to do this natively in vtk - like telling the reader to parse the .vtm and then obtain a multiblock with only selected blocks, without touching the unneeded data.

Thanks for any help!

any updates on this?

AFAIK it depends on the reader itself, for example, the exodus reader allow to do such thing. what is your file format and reader that you want to use ?

im trying to read vtkmultiblockdataset

if your file is a vtm indeed it’s currently not possible with the reader but adding such feature could make sense