Hello! I have been using the vtkProteinRibbonFilter to render .pdb files. I managed for the visualization to work. A short snippet of what im doing:
self._molecule_reader = vtk.vtkPDBReader()
self._molecule_filter = vtk.vtkProteinRibbonFilter()
self._raw_polydata = self._molecule_filter.GetOutput()
I am managing to get the points by doing this:
point_coordinates = dsa.WrapDataObject(self._raw_polydata).Points
this returns a the xyz coordinates for each point in the molecule. However i am not being able to retrieve the remianing data in the pdb file, for example: Atom id, residue or atom name, aminoacid in which the atom is embedded. So to sum up i am failing to get all the remaining info in the pdb file apart from the coordinates. Can anyone shed some light into this? thank you!
(Javier Guaje)
July 7, 2021, 5:55pm
Hello Facundo,
I hope you have already figured this out. If not, my colleague (@SunTzunami ) and I managed to read the content of the PDBReader in the following way:
reader = vtk.vtkPDBReader()
polydata = reader.GetOutput()
Then you could see the content of the polydata (e.g. print(polydata.GetPointData())
) which will look like this:
vtkPointData (0x55fd420da540)
Debug: Off
Modified Time: 1364
Reference Count: 2
Registered Events:
Registered Observers:
vtkObserver (0x55fd4215e330)
Event: 33
EventName: ModifiedEvent
Command: 0x55fd42102b00
Priority: 0
Tag: 1
Number Of Arrays: 10
Array 0 name = atom_type
Array 1 name = atom_types
Array 2 name = residue
Array 3 name = chain
Array 4 name = secondary_structures
Array 5 name = secondary_structures_begin
Array 6 name = secondary_structures_end
Array 7 name = ishetatm
Array 8 name = rgb_colors
Array 9 name = radius
Number Of Components: 14
Number Of Tuples: 458
Copy Tuple Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 )
Interpolate Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 )
Pass Through Flags: ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )
Debug: Off
Modified Time: 1354
Reference Count: 2
Registered Events: (none)
Name: rgb_colors
Data type: unsigned char
Where, as you can see the names of the arrays match with the arrays used in the ProteinRibbonFilter (VTK/vtkProteinRibbonFilter.cxx at master · Kitware/VTK · GitHub ).
Hope this helps.
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