Question about Powerwall rendering based on vtk

I’m wondering what are current practical solutions to use vtk render to support the Powerwall(Powerwall - Wikipedia). Each process will start a vtk rendering window and render specific region of object according to the position of the display.


Hello, I think tiled rendering in VTK will help you.

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Found the paper

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ParaView has this capability builtin see:

[Option Group: Tile Display]
  Tile-display specific options 
    --tdx,--tile-dimensions-x INT
                                Number of displays in the horizontal direction. 
    --tdy,--tile-dimensions-y INT
                                Number of displays in the vertical direction. 
    --tmx,--tile-mullion-x INT  Size of the gap in pixels between displays in the horizontal direction. 
    --tmy,--tile-mullion-y INT  Size of the gap in pixels between displays in the vertical direction

Thanks a lot for the information!