Surface nets and marching cubes

Can we use surface nets algorithm instead of marching cubes for isosurface generation?

I am working on 2D and 3D threaded algorithms now, which will be modified to use a modified flying edges traversal and parallel smoothing - it should be much faster. They’ll be ready in a few months. The author, Sarah Frisken, is just publishing recent work that includes multi-label/multi-material extraction among other advances (which will be included in the VTK implementation). One interesting note: the algorithm was originally patented but now that the patent has expired we can add it to VTK (and other OS projects).

Great news…

Has there been any progress on this? Has Sarah Frisken’s paper ( been implemented in VTK or ITK?

Merged last week it seems:

Great! So I’ll have to checkout some sort of nightly branch to play around with it? Please let me know. Thanks!

It is available in the master branch of VTK.