Using vtk with react


i wanted to try the example of using vtk with reactjs, but the code is not working. Can someone help to get it work?


I am having the same issue, I followed the same instructions and getting the same error.


Can somebody help setting it up?

Thank you

Hello Hisham,

did you manage to solve the issue with vtk?

The doc might be outdated but if you are react developers, it should be obvious on how to fix it.

Hello Zmladen

Sorry for late response, yes it worked with me as you can see it in the attachment. But I am not really sure why it worked. At first I tried it with a different browser other than Chrome, Firefox to be specific,
and it worked. Then I tried to play around with the WebOpenGl settings in Chrome and now it is working on both. I guess the runtime error because the vtk js library cannot find the binaries to call at runtime. This could be due to the browser cannot detect the GPU.

I hope this helps.
