i am new with using VTK so i need guidance on how to go about using it for Volume rendering using C++ or python as the programming language
Hello @Emmynabs,
There is a website with lot of example : examples.vtk.org.
And there is some examples in C++ or python for volume rendering: https://examples.vtk.org/site/Cxx/#volume-rendering
thank you for your response, i have seen these examples and i tried following the steps on how to do them but i end up having numerous error messages each time i try, i do not know if maybe i haven’t properly build and installed VTK on my system or it is something else. i really need guidance with this. do not know if i am asking for too much
I’d suggest taking a look at PyVista. It’s a higher level Python toolkit for doing 3d visualization. It’s built on top of VTK but much easier to use.
okay Dave thank you, i will give it a look though i have now been able to finally get some examples working, so i believe that is a good start.
Hello Dave,
sorry for disturbing you but i would really love to know if you know of a good website where i can get good DICOM data for my project
What type of DICOM data sets are you looking for? If you google “DICOM examples” you can find some freely available ones on the internet.
I’ve grabbed images from some of these:
@Stephen_Aylward has a pretty comprehensive page of image repositories on his web site:
Thank you Dave, i have been able to get some data for my project now, you have been of great help. i do not know if you can by any chance recommend an online tutorial video for using QT to build a GUI for volume rendering with vtk