VTK-7.1.1 installation

I was trying to install VTK-7.1.1 using cmake 3.14 in a CRAY-LINUX server. After configuration when I was trying to make it during the process it saying that,

" 23%] Building C object Utilities/KWIML/vtkkwiml/test/CMakeFiles/kwiml_test.dir/test.c.o
No supported cpu target is set, CRAY_CPU_TARGET=x86-64 will be used.
Load a valid targeting module or set CRAY_CPU_TARGET
[ 23%] Building C object Utilities/KWIML/vtkkwiml/test/CMakeFiles/kwiml_test.dir/test_abi_C.c.o
No supported cpu target is set, CRAY_CPU_TARGET=x86-64 will be used.
Load a valid targeting module or set CRAY_CPU_TARGET
[ 23%] Building C object Utilities/KWIML/vtkkwiml/test/CMakeFiles/kwiml_test.dir/test_int_C.c.o
No supported cpu target is set, CRAY_CPU_TARGET=x86-64 will be used.
Load a valid targeting module or set CRAY_CPU_TARGET
[ 23%] Building C object Utilities/KWIML/vtkkwiml/test/CMakeFiles/kwiml_test.dir/test_include_C.c.o
No supported cpu target is set, CRAY_CPU_TARGET=x86-64 will be used.
Load a valid targeting module or set CRAY_CPU_TARGET
[ 23%] Building CXX object Utilities/KWIML/vtkkwiml/test/CMakeFiles/kwiml_test.dir/test_abi_CXX.cxx.o
No supported cpu target is set, CRAY_CPU_TARGET=x86-64 will be used.
Load a valid targeting module or set CRAY_CPU_TARGET
[ 23%] Building CXX object Utilities/KWIML/vtkkwiml/test/CMakeFiles/kwiml_test.dir/test_int_CXX.cxx.o
No supported cpu target is set, CRAY_CPU_TARGET=x86-64 will be used.
Load a valid targeting module or set CRAY_CPU_TARGET"

Can anyone please tell me the cause of the error?

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why there is no response from the community on this vtk7 installation

Because vtk7 is old. Use VTK 9.1

The issues is that vtk 9 will not work with gmsh which are required from freecad CEA to generate mesh

Afaik, vtk is not using gmsh at all.

Do you mean that gmsh is using vtk ?
If that is so, this is a gmsh issue to support new version of VTK, not a VTK issue.

How do you install VTK btw ?