VTK DICOMImageReader Error

Hello, everyone!

I got an unknown error while using the VTK library on Python, so I need help if anyone knows.
There are DICOM files that open normally in ITK snap, but there is data that fails when creating a maximum intensity projection (MIP) through VTK.

To view this data

dicom_reader = vtk.vtkDICOMImageReader()

When you read the dicom reader in this way, the output below appears.

vtkDICOMImageReader (000002DC5E36DFE0)
Debug: Off
Modified Time: 253
Reference Count: 2
Registered Events: (none)
Executive: 000002DC5C7F54B0
ErrorCode: FileFormatError
Information: 000002DC5AE3C960
AbortExecute: Off
Progress: 1
Progress Text: (None)
FileName: (none)
FileNames: 0000000000000000
FilePrefix: (none)
FilePattern: %s.%d
FileNameSliceOffset: 0
FileNameSliceSpacing: 1
DataScalarType: short
NumberOfScalarComponents: 1
File Dimensionality: 2
File Lower Left: Off
Swap Bytes: Off
DataIncrements: (2, 1024, 524288, 54525952)
DataExtent: (0, 511, 0, 511, 0, 103)
DataSpacing: (0.765625, 0.765625, 5)
DataDirection: (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
DataOrigin: (0, 0, 0)
HeaderSize: 0
Internal File Name: (none)
DirectoryName : ./1752122477/
FileName : (nullptr)

Compared to the existing normal data, the difference is ErrorCode: FileFormatError.
In normal data, this part appears as NoError.

I searched but I couldn’t find anything that was written in detail about this part. If anyone knows, can you tell me what the problem is?

Thank you.

Additionally, the error message appears like this.

 (   2.083s) [                ]vtkDICOMImageReader.cxx:326    ERR| vtkDICOMImageReader (000002A7E543C1F0): There was a problem retrieving data from: ./1752122477//1752122477.0.dcm
 (   2.217s) [                ]       vtkExecutive.cxx:741    ERR| vtkCompositeDataPipeline (000002A7E559E780): Algorithm vtkDICOMImageReader (000002A7E543C1F0) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (000002A7E1DDBEA0)