vtk ospray pathtracer setmaxframes accumulate for OSMesa how

Post Submission Update: I looked at the source code to vtkOSPRayRendererNode

Does setting both of these parameters to the same count do what I want?
SetSamplesPerPixel(64, renderer)
SetMaxFrames(64, renderer)

I have been using vtk OSPray for many months but using only the scivis renderer so far. When I specify the pathtracer renderer, I only get the first frame rendered, even if I use SetMaxFrames. How do I let it accumulate over the number of frames I specify before “refreshing” and writing out the final image? I am using OSMesa so I guess this has to happen inside OSPRay before it returns the final image to OSMesa.

I can watch the accumulation of OSPray frames and the improved final image in the ospExamples.

I have looked at the vtk rendering Examples and tried to find the vtkOSPRayRendererNode settings to do this.

I just found this on the OSPRAY site that describes what I want it to do in OSMesa. Is the VTK interface setting the framebuffer up this way and how do I set the parameters in vtkOSPRayRendererNode, vtkRenderer, vtkRenderWindow, etc., for a specified number of refinements?


Asynchronous Rendering

Rendering is by default asynchronous (non-blocking), and is done by combining a framebuffer, renderer, camera, and world.

What to render and how to render it depends on the renderer’s parameters. If the framebuffer supports accumulation (i.e., it was created with OSP_FB_ACCUM) then successive calls to ospRenderFrame will progressively refine the rendered image.

To start an render task, use

OSPFuture ospRenderFrame(OSPFrameBuffer, OSPRenderer, OSPCamera, OSPWorld);

This returns an OSPFuture handle, which can be used to synchronize with the application, cancel, or query for progress of the running task. When ospRenderFrame is called, there is no guarantee when the associated task will begin execution.

Progress of a running frame can be queried with the following API function

float ospGetProgress(OSPFuture);

This returns the approximated progress of the task in [0-1].

Applications can cancel a currently running asynchronous operation via

void ospCancel(OSPFuture);

Applications can wait on the result of an asynchronous operation, or choose to only synchronize with a specific event. To synchronize with an OSPFuture use

void ospWait(OSPFuture, OSPSyncEvent = OSP_TASK_FINISHED);

The following are values which can be synchronized with the application
