vtkBoxRepresentation and related classes

I am studying the VTK textbook and have also searched the internet. In the textbook I don’t see the vtkBoxRepresentation or other representations. Am I missing something? My current problem actually has to do with Scalar Bars, but I thought there would be more information about the vtkBoxRepresentation class. I would like to understand the relationship between the Widget, the Representation, and the Actor.

As I mentioned, my real interest is these three:
and I would like to resize and reposition the Scalar Bar from within the code, not by having the user use the mouse. I tried SetPosition and related functions for the vtkScalarBarActor but that seems not to work. Should I use SetPosition for the vtkScalarBarWidget? Any help would be appreciated.

I have resolved my immediate problems by using GetPosition(), SetPosition(), GetPosition2(), SetPosition2() of vtkScalarBarRepresentation.
However I did this by trial-and-error, and I would prefer to have a better understanding of the Actor, Widget and Representation (and why it did not work when I tried this with the vtkScalarBarActor, although the code compiled).