vtkGeoProjection/vtkGeoTransform differences between VTK 8 and VTK 9

I have a simple test that opens a vtk file and performs a vtkGeoTransform and writes the results. The results between the two VTK versions are vastly different.

I tried understanding what may have changed (besides the underlying libproj), but it isn’t clear how to change my use of vtkGeoProjection and vtkGeoTransform in this case so that the VTK 9 results match the VTK 8 results. The tests in VTK source weren’t helpful. Any other suggestions?

useGeoTransform.cxx (1.1 KB)

Data file:
NASA_Vegetation_lai_cdf_AsVTK.vtk (200.1 KB)

geoTransformOutput_VTK8.vtk (1.8 MB)
geoTransformOutput_VTK9.vtk (1.5 MB)

Rendered outputs:

I run your program using VTK master and it works correctly (like in VTK 8). Can you confirm that?

I was using VTK 9.2.6. It will take me a bit to get master built and let you know.

master works, looks like 9.3 also has the fix. Thank you much for the quick reply. Apologies I didn’t mention the exact version of VTK 9 I was using from the outset.