Is the mesh watertight (manifold)? e.g., no duplicate points or edges, cracks, t-junctions, etc. Some of this can be cleaned up with vtkStaticCleanPolyData / vtkCleanPolyData.
Thanks for the answer Will.
I realized that using vtkOBJReader + vtkTriangleFilter, all the triangles are set as separate structures! Then, the image corresponds to a filter applied to each triangle (in a correct way). Thus, my problem is another!
Actually, I set everything to use a polydata P with the following:
GetNumberOfPieces: 1
GetNumberOfPolys: 286598
GetNumberOfPoints: 859794
And, using vtkLoopSubdivisionFilter over P is the image that I attached.
Any clue is welcome
The triangles are disconnected from each other. Use vtkCleanPolyData or vtkStaticCleanPolyData. This removes duplicate points with the effect of “joining” the mesh polygons.
Also the mesh has non-triangles in it. Finally, there are a few non-manifold edges. Both of which make the subdivision filters unhappy
I used the vtkStaticCleanPolyData + vtkTriangleFilter with PassLinesOff and PassVertsOff + playing with vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter + vtkPolyDataNormals and I obtained the image.
Isn’t fully subdivided as I expected… but at least is not the mess that I had before
I know that removing the non-manifold points/edges is the way to input in vtk<…>SubdivisionFilter but well…is a job for the future me