warp unstructured grid with field data

I am trying to use vtk to visualize some FE results i got from calculix. I managed to use ccx2paraview to convert to .frd file from calculix to .vtk and now I am trying to follow this example https://examples.vtk.org/site/Python/Visualization/Blow/ to warp the mesh.

My problem is that the example uses vtkWarpVector to warp the mesh as follows:

    for i in range(0, 10):
        # Create the reader and warp the data vith vectors.


but when trying to replicate this, it does not work. This is because my results are stored as field data and not vector inside the vtk file.

How could I go around this issue? Is the any way to convert the field data into a magnitude vector? for reference, the displacement vector is stored in my vtk file as 3 component, d1, d2, d3 so the vector i want is simply the displacement magnitude.

If it helps, this is how the data is stored in the blow.vtk file (example):

VECTORS displacement0 float
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

and this is how its stored in my file:

FIELD FieldData 9
U 3 298149 double
-3.31393 0.52466 2.40186 -3.32749 0.540424 2.41069 -0.00141714 0.002697 -0.000773049
-3.29755 0.519481 2.40722 -0.416161 0.163893 -0.521088 -5.22042 -0.0350792 1.82133
-3.33603 0.549571 2.41473 -0.00339442 -0.0140238 -0.00123908 -6.51677 2.50743 -0.236696
-0.162029 0.119017 0.511941 -3.32663 0.545721 2.41214 0.00592114 -0.00767478 -0.0235326
1.40766 0.424938 1.03948 -0.452885 0.56441 2.68806 -2.6386 0.852057 2.59316
-0.755192 -0.318027 1.89794 -3.14142 -1.06202 1.77692 -4.6938 0.203659 2.18789

thanks in advance

See if vtkFieldDataToAttributeDataFilter works for you.