WASM Threading memory out of bounds

Hi Developers

I can get WebGPU to work fine with the release candidate 9.4.0. I am little puzzled, why you require “-sASYNCIFY” to be used. I would prefer the calls to be blocking, e.g. GetRenderWindow().

I am working on establishing a better debug, but currently I ran into some memory if build with threading (32-bit).

My build setup (external project using VTK).

list(APPEND emscripten_link_options
    "-sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['ENV', 'FS', 'ccall', 'stringToNewUTF8', 'addFunction']"
    "-sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_free', '_malloc']"
    # "-sDEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE=['$addFunction']" # CMake adds another $ sign!
    "-sINCLUDE_FULL_LIBRARY" # for addFunction
  list(APPEND emscripten_link_options
    "SHELL:-s OFFSCREENCANVAS_SUPPORT=1" # Proxy rendering to main browser thread
    "SHELL:-s ENVIRONMENT=web,worker"
  list(APPEND emscripten_link_options

I am using your most recent docker images. Your 32-bit works fine, the 32-bit with threading gives me the memory out of bounds at startup. I can see that WebGPU is found and the adapter information.

Any hints are welcome. If not, I will work on establishing a better debugging setup.


Without threading, things works great. I also a little puzzled why I don’t get into the vtkWebGPUPolyDataMapper.

Simple answer is that webgpu (unlike webgl2) is async only. This has a contagious effect, requiring everything else (even embind funcs to become async)

This looks like a static initialization issue. Cpp call stack with line numbers would definitely be helpful.

I realized that and changed a bunch of JavaScript code to handle the async nature. I will try tomorrow to get it to run in debug, so I get the callstack. I agree, it seems like an initialization issue. In debug mode, I got a some trace…

Tomorrow, I will try to establish a setup for debugging. I managed to do this before, but only for debugging my own code and the code from Emscripten.