vtkContourTriangulator (Triangulation failed)

I found an example where the filter seems to fail (but not clear to me why) - I wonder if there is a fix…:

from vedo import *

pts = np.array([
    [1.96, 2.48, -1.34],
    [1.89, 2.34, -1.33],
    [1.74, 2.41, -1.35],
    [1.68, 2.26, -1.35],
    [1.52, 2.32, -1.34],
    [1.59, 2.48, -1.34],
    [1.66, 2.63, -1.33],
    [1.81, 2.56, -1.34],
# pts[:,2] = -1.33 # this fixes it
# pts[:, [1,2]] = pts[:, [2,1]] # no effect in any case

line = Line(pts)
# line.write("line.vtk", binary=False)
mesh = line.clone().triangulate().lw(1).c("blue4")
labels = line.labels2d(c="yellow4", scale=2)
show(line, mesh, labels, bg="gray1", axes=1).close()

works fine if:
pts[:,2] = -1.33

fails without it (non-planar):

with error message:

2023-04-04 14:07:57.010 (   0.124s) [        C1F89180]vtkContourTriangulator.:91     ERR| vtkContourTriangulator (0x26bc1a0): Triangulation failed, output might have holes.

Pure VTK to reproduce the issue:

import vtk

reader = vtk.vtkPolyDataReader()
polydata = reader.GetOutput()

tf = vtk.vtkContourTriangulator()
tfpolydata = tf.GetOutput()

mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
actor = vtk.vtkActor()

ren = vtk.vtkRenderer()
renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()

Screenshot from 2023-04-04 14-08-00

lines.zip (699 Bytes)


Related to:

I have confirmed this locally. As you noted in your fix, your points do not lie in a plane. The vtkContourTriangulator was not designed for inputs that are not flat. The description of this filter is: Fill all 2D contours to create polygons.

The failure seems to be at the very last stage. One thing that I could do in order to make the filter more robust, is to use the normal to project the points onto a plane before doing the final triangulation. It would increase memory usage and the execution time, so it would have to be an option, not the default.

It seems that vtkContourTriangulator() does not handle 3D coordinates when non planar.

The big picture of this problem is how to get a anti-counter clockwise coordinates of polydata made of lines sometimes folded.

See: create separated regions from polydata

I’ve used this class a lot and never encountered this kind of problem, yet would be nice to have such an option to make it more robust as you suggest! Maybe it would be also a good idea to have the TriangulationErrorDisplayOn() on by default.

indeed projecting on the fitting plane makes it work fine:

from vedo import *

def triangulate_non_planar(line):
    data = line.points()
    dmean = data.mean(axis=0)
    pts = data - dmean
    vv = np.linalg.svd(pts)[2]
    n = np.cross(vv[0], vv[1])
    d = np.dot(pts, n)
    pts -= n * d[:, np.newaxis]
    faces = Line(pts).triangulate().faces()
    return Mesh([data, faces])

pts = np.array([
    [1.96, 2.48, -1.34],
    [1.89, 2.34, -1.33],
    [1.74, 2.41, -1.35],
    [1.68, 2.26, -1.35],
    [1.52, 2.32, -1.34],
    [1.59, 2.48, -1.34],
    [1.66, 2.63, -1.33],
    [1.81, 2.56, -1.34],
line = Line(pts)
mesh = triangulate_non_planar(line).lw(1).c("blue4")
labels = line.labels2d(c="yellow4", scale=2)
show(line, mesh, labels, bg="gray1", axes=1).close()

Ok. Indeed it works with this set of points.
But not sure to be able to find a fitting plane with case like captured below.

My purpose is to find all contigous lines that form convex polylines and describe their coordinates anticlockwise.

Here is another very basic example.
Described in Sort points on line in PolyData - #4 by PBrockmann